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The RSS feeds for St Cecilia Chorus are listed below...
VerdiPrelude to La Traviata Verdi Brindisi VerdiAnvil Chorus Donizetti Chorus of Wedding Guests LeoncavalloBell Chorus MascagniIntermezzo Mascagni Easter Hymn Puccini Messa di Gloria
Concert - Summers’ Mass of St. Cecilia and other works
Sat, 10 Jun 2023
Locus Iste – A. Bruckner
Notre Père - M. Duruflé
The Spirit of the Lord - E. Elgar
Cantique de Jean Racine – G. Fauré
Blessed be the God and Father – S.S.Wesley
And I saw a New Heaven – E. Bainton
Holy is the True Light - W. Harris
Hymn to St Cecilia – H. Howells
Like as the Hart - H. Howells
Mass for St Cecilia – A Summers
Concert - Durufle Requiem & works by Lili Boulanger
Sat, 1 Apr 2023
Durufle Requiem Durufle The Lord's Prayer Boulanger Hymne au Soleil Boulanger Psaume XXIV Boulanger Sous Bois Boulanger Vielle Priere Bouddhique
Concert: Handel Messiah
Sat, 26 Nov 2022
A performance of Handel's masterpiece to celebrate our centenary.
Haydn St Cecilia Mass
Monteverdi Cantate Domino Bach Motet Lobet den Herrn Bruckner Motets: i Ave Maria iiChristus factus est iiiLocus iste ivTota pulchra es Maria Sea Shanties: The Wellerman Heave away me jollies Sea fever
Abigail Dance violin
Ben Jerrard Tenor
Concert - The French Connection
Sat, 3 Jul 2021
Our 2nd socially-distanced concert
Poulenc - Litanies a la Vierge Noire Vierne - Messe Solennelle Faure - Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Maria Mater Gratiae
Ian le Grice Organ
James Dixon Conductor
Emily Christian Soprano
Concert: Brahms' Requiem
Sat, 12 Dec 2020
Our first (socially distanced) concert of 2020, it was wonderful to hear and feel live music again after so long.
Postponed from April 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdwon restrictions.